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Extended by SVGPathElement, SVGPathElement

The SVGAnimatedPathData interface supports elements which have a ‘d’ attribute which holds SVG path data, and supports the ability to animate that attribute.

Provides access to the current animated contents of the ‘d’ attribute in a form where all path data commands are expressed in terms of the following subset of SVGPathSeg types: SVG_PATHSEG_MOVETO_ABS (M), SVG_PATHSEG_LINETO_ABS (L), SVG_PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_ABS (C) and SVG_PATHSEG_CLOSEPATH (z).
Provides access to the current animated contents of the ‘d’ attribute in a form which matches one-for-one with SVG's syntax. If the given attribute or property is being animated, contains the current animated value of the attribute or property, and both the object itself and its contents are read only.
Provides access to the base (i.e., static) contents of the ‘d’ attribute in a form where all path data commands are expressed in terms of the following subset of SVGPathSeg types: SVG_PATHSEG_MOVETO_ABS (M), SVG_PATHSEG_LINETO_ABS (L), SVG_PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_ABS (C) and SVG_PATHSEG_CLOSEPATH (z).
Provides access to the base (i.e., static) contents of the ‘d’ attribute in a form which matches one-for-one with SVG's syntax. Thus, if the ‘d’ attribute has an "absolute moveto (M)" and an "absolute arcto (A)" command, then pathSegList will have two entries: a SVG_PATHSEG_MOVETO_ABS and a SVG_PATHSEG_ARC_ABS.